
Showing posts from 2008


一直以来,对于男性来说,婚姻就是坟墓因为那代表了他们将会失去自由的开始。 他们失去了单身贵族的身份。 不再可以光明正大地谈妞,泡妞,约‘猪朋狗友’上酒吧。。。 可是随着时代的变迁,女性也患上了婚姻恐惧症。 婚姻对两个人来说,就是责任,就是一生的承诺。 由于现在不管男性或女性都拥有自己的事业。 大家都有能力养活自己,女性不再需要依靠她的另一半,有自己的想法,有自己的理想。 这造就了,新女性迟婚,或不愿把自己埋在婚姻里,只因为婚姻可能是她们事业上的绊脚石。 现在可好了,流行起同居来了。 那是一种类似婚姻生活,可是不需要任何承诺。合则来,不合则分,反而干净利落。 不需要什么协议或法律上的责任。 相爱容易,同住难,同居反而变成了试婚的好办法。 我的其中两位朋友。 每每一坐下来,就会开始讨论对婚姻的恐惧感,所以迟迟都不肯步入婚姻生活,一拖再拖。 对她们而言,结婚生活就代表了,无境界的家务事,婆媳之间的纠纷,家庭开销。。。 谈到婚姻就只有一个字可形容 - 烦。 她们很享受现在的生活,不想有任何改变。 朋友,有时候,人顾虑太多东西,反而让你怯步,无法向前行驶。 人生到了某个阶段就因该有适当的改变。 希望很快听到你们的好消息。


爱情?事业?小孩?钱财?哪些是你梦寐以求的呢? 总是发现,当你很渴望得到爱情的时候,偏偏你的真命天使从来没出现过。 当你不再相信爱情时,那个人出现了, 结果,你跟他/她就这样插身而过。 就这样错过了这段缘份。 有些人,本想一心一意地在一家公司待到老,可是不断有猎人头找他, 让他不知如何选择。 有人却在家等了好久,还是没接到一通求职的联系。 有些新婚夫妇根本就不想这么快有小孩降临在他们的两人世界,偏偏就在初夜,一个新生命降临了。 有些夫妇结婚了好多年,好想拥有自己的孩子,用尽所有的办法也不能如愿以偿。 好奇怪。 每次我心里渴求的东西,总不会不劳而获。 在完全没有心理准备的情况下,总有意外的收获。 想要的,得不到;不想要的,垂手可得。 难道是天意弄人?


好多时候,人总是一味的批评别人,却从来不检讨自己。 别人的过错,总爱用放大镜,有多大就放多大,想让全世界的人知道。 自己的过错,就尽可能隐藏起来,越少人知道越好。 那可能是因为小时候的教育吧。。。 当你做错事时,你肯定不会勇于认错,因为你知道,只要你认错,肯定会挨骂或挨打。 可是当你知道,那是别人干的‘好事’,你就会迫不及待告诉老师或家长,因为这样你可能会被嘉许,赞赏。 尤其在这现实的世界里,职场就像战场,不是你死就是我亡。 只要你一不小心犯了错误,就会有人借题发挥,乘机立功。 有时好讨厌,这些小人。 为什么他们就不能,检讨一下自己,难道他们从来没有过错吗? 有时候,我们应该留一点余地给自己,因果报应嘛。 每天应该检讨或反省一下,当天所犯的错。 如果不小心说了一些伤人的话,或说别人的是非,就尽量减少吧。 与其浪费时间在这些无畏的事上,还不如好好的充实自己,做一些有益的事。 谈何容易,做起来可是一点也不简单。 我的脾气一向来都比较暴躁,也没什么耐性,火山一爆发就一发不可收拾。爆发后,总是后悔当时的冲动,然后就一一向他人道歉。 如果我可以就在当时,好好地提醒自己,不让自己爆发,那就不会伤到无辜的人了。 对不起,说太多了,也变得没意思了。。。


人类的命运由谁来掌握? 在我们还没有思考能力,可能命运还轮不到我们自己来决定。 记得小时候,常常有这个念头 - 离家出走。 那么我就不再需要听我妈的唠叨,做我想做的事,不再需要家人的约束。 很幼稚吧。。。 中六毕业后,我选了离我家比较远的一所大学 - 位于槟城的理大。 原因无它,就是想离开家里。 那是我人生其中一个转捩点。 一个人孤身作战的来到了理大。 不知不觉地就这样完成了我三年的学士。 还没毕业前就接受了去国外两年的合约。 也没什么,终于可以离开大马,去更远的地方,看看外国的月亮是不是他人所说般,那么圆。 开始自己决定自己想走的路。 那时也没想太多,就这样的去了。 两年也就一晃而过。 我执著的要求回来大马。 可能在那儿,看不到自己的未来。 兜兜转转的,又回来了。 任性的我即使毁约也要回我自己的自由, 就这样的赔钱了事。 也就这样的回来了我的家乡。 原来我执著地想离开家,掌握我自己的命运,却又回到起点。 其实也不知道,那是早已安排好的命运,还是我自己创造出来的。 我想我还是属于瞒幸运的,一路来都遇到很多帮过我的贵人。 当然,当中也有后悔自己的决定, 可是后悔只能当我的回忆了。 如果有想做的事,就应该不惜一切的去实现。 那当然必须以正当的途径实现。 不要老是回头看,原来自己错过了生命中很多重要的事还没做。 珍惜你所拥有的每一天,向往明天的到来。 我相信命运应该由自己来决定。 人生的每一个决定,当然有得与失。 就因为不知道未来是怎样,生活才那么的多姿多彩,不是吗? 如果你已经知道结局了,你还会享受过程吗?

Celine's Birthday at Don Kitchen

This year I have been busy with gathering, birthday party, wedding dinner, outing, bla bla bla... Today will be the last birthday celebration for this year. The lucky star is - Celine. Celine just complained that my blogs are too long and alot of grandmother story :( Since Celine likes Japanese food alot, we have selected Don Kaiten Japanese Restaurant which located at Klang Parade. It is a kaiten sushi shop which served all kind of sushi from nigirisushi, makimono to harumaki. Besides that, it served a wide variety of raimen, soba/udon, donburi ... Since we have a "small" birthday cake for Celine, we want our dinner to be lighter. Basically they have ordered raimen meanwhile BY and me have ordered donburi. We have a plate of Chicken Katsu Cheese Maki while waiting for BY. Kimuchi Ramen ~ RM 13.90 Dry Ramen Teriyaki ~ RM 13.90 Tempura Ramen (wt 2 ebi tempura) ~ RM 15.90 Chicken Teriyaki Don (wt Miso soup) ~ RM 12.90 Tendon (wt Miso soup) ~ RM 14.90 The food was not as goo...

Craving for ~ LOVE ~

LOVE??? " strong feelings of attraction towards, and affection for, another adult, or great affection for a friend or family member " ~ dictionary. Due to my sis being cheated recently, I got really tired with my parents. My sis is not young anymore yet trusted some outsider without second thought which could lead her to life danger. My parents try to wash her brain and this has cause noice pollution. They just kept on repeating the same thing everday whenever my sis was around, even 6am in the early morning. Sweat... I got even angry when my sis still persist on her own thoughts. She even blamed my parents for not taking care of her when she was a child due to work. Blamed us for not showing appreciation for every good will she had done. I would say my parents are typical Chinese. Their love are more encrypted and hard to be interpreted. My dad is absolutely a serious man (from his outlook) meanwhile my mum basically like scolding and busy body. We only talked to our dad wh...


Lucky? How many people in this world are really lucky? And how many people being cheated just because of this word? My most stingy sis being cheated again for twice just because of this word - 'LUCKY'. In this year, I'm not sure how many times she went to police station, 3 times at least. First time, she lost her car. She even put her car insurance inside the car, thus lost it with her car as well. Second time, her handbag was being snatched, lost her IC, house key, ... - police station again. Third time, being cheated by a China lady who called her up, and told her how 'LUCKY' she was. She believed and transferred 1K to the specific account. Ended up in police station again. Later her car was found, I'm not sure that's consider as lucky or not. As for me, I'm the unlucky one as I need to use that chunk which cost me a few K to fix it. :( This morning, she even drove my mum car just because she doesn't need to pay for petrol. On her way to the car pa...

Being Teased :( Got Something In Returned :)

Today got a bar of white chocolate from my colleague. Without my notice, I have finished the whole bar of chocolate before I left the office :( Putting on weight recently cause I'm pretty free despite the development job I need to do for the Data Center - FOC. I'm a pretty weird person. After I left my ex-company, it seems like I'm still keeping a very close contact with most of my ex-colleagues. We went for trip together. We have lunch together. We went for movie together. We celebrate birthday together. We have dinner together... It's really strange. Before that, we hardly have movie or dinner together. Today, after work it was a bit late than usual. 7++pm... Should I joined their badminton... Until the junction, the traffic light indicated red, without my notice, I have turned left toward the spot center. When they saw me, all of them started to asked me. Some even teased me why I was there. I could not answer actually. Why? I was wondering also. There were more peop...

When Venus, Jupiter and Moon Meet ~ Smiley :)

Around 8pm suddenly received an SMS, with the following content :- " Guys, check out the west bound of the sky.. U can see the venus, jupiter and moon forming a smiley face -> :) nice view... ~ Keith " I hesitated a while, must be those forwarded SMS, mustn't be real I guess. Due to my nature of curiousity, I just can't help but went out to my parent's room balcony. Out of my surprised, I saw the Venus and Jupiter as the eyes with the Crescent Moon as the mouth formed the smiley. It's so unbelievable. Although they're far apart, still it's really incredible. I'm not sure how long we need to wait for this magnificant view. I was speechless but still manage to shout for my sis to come over to view it. She does not show much interest at all. :( I would like to share this with all my friends. I quickly forwarded the SMS to all my friends. Only a few gals reply and enjoy the same view as I do. Here is the picture taken by Keith. I have seek permiss...

20081126 - Ccozi & Friends

This evening 8pm I have appointment with 3 leng lui. So no matter how still need to drive to Sunway ('snaking' at home after night job). Heard that my ex-colleagues going to play badminton at 'Panasonic Spot Center'. Maybe I can joined before I went for the dinner. So long did not work out my body. Besides work is still work :( They were so surprise to find me there. Wah, who's that guy with long hair and hair band. Ah, it's JJ who look just like a gal. Sweat... After 2 matches, I quickly rush to car park and drove to Sunway Pyramid. It was badly traffic jam due to rain and a small accident. I was a bit late and both of them were already there since 7:30pm. LC ffk at last because of the training. Left 3 gal musketeers including me. We can't make up our mind what should we have for dinner. Like school children, left no choice we have our 'lat, tali lat, tali tam pom'. SY lost at the first attempt. At last we decided to go around Asian Avenue. Initial...

20081117 - MNP Stampede

After long journey back from Alor Setar, when I woke up in the early morning, found that my right eye was swollen. Right eye small, left eye big. Aiyoh! Today is MNP Stampede. Going or not go? Hesitated a while. At the end, decided to go ahead cause it will be a another brand new experience. If not mistaken tea bag can cure the swollen eye but too bad no one drink tea at my house. Quickly find for alternate solution. The only option left is put the spoon into freezer and applied to my swollen eye. Luckily it does heal a bit. Both the size look pretty similar by now. After having the 'nasi lemak' for my breakfast, we gather at the D'House car park. It was already crowded with around 1000 DiGizens. We have some aerobics warm up before departure and sang our stampede jingle which has a very nice melody. Can you feel the heat and spirit? Today in total around 1000 DiGizens was located around PJ and KL area for this MNP stampede with 23 buses. Our first destination was 'PJ O...

20081114-16 - Cindy's Wedding at Alor Setar

Today once I finished my training I directly drove back with full speed. After taken my dinner and packed my luggage for my '老妈子' wedding. Aiks, raining outside. It has been a very hot week how come today suddenly rain? It didn't give me a very good sign.... :( Finally reached Alor Setar at around 5am. Gave '老妈子' a very morning call. Luckily she picked up my phone. After 15 minutes, she was there with her mum to fetch me up. It was a very bad news. Her house was robbed yesterday night while she was having wedding dinner :( Lost most of the cash, as well as her purse. Gosh, my bus ticket also got stolen :( Too tired to think, once reached her house. I just fall asleep on the nice, smooth and comfortable bed. Around 7am, I was awaken but the noice. Hardly open my eyes actually. Talking to '老妈子' with eyes closed. Can't recalled what we have chat about. My head was all in white. Her hair dresser was there helping her to setup her hair and makeup while I was ...

20081018-19 Melacca Treasure Hunt

It has been so long since my post. Recently I have been pretty busy with my work until no time for myself. Then decided to participate for Melacca Treassure Hunt (2 days 1 night) with my new colleague - 4 person in a group. All this while I knew that my IQ is pretty low but I think I can trust my teammate as they look smarter and elegant than me. We are supposedly to arrive at the company by 6:45am but we waited until 7am, that 2 guys still missing. I'm wondering how come the world is changing. Gals alway need to wait for guys.... We have MacD as our breakfast provided by organizer. We felt cheated since the organizer promise to give us petrol voucher which we later found that it was just RM20 Petronas Store Voucher :( So unbelievable. The first clue which lead us to Taipan. I have called up my friends in this early hour to get where does the clue refer to. I think they must think that I must be to annoying for waking them up in this lovely Saturday. Sorry guys for w...

Exploring A Brand New Me...

Finally understand what's so call working life. All this while I have been working in a small to medium size of company where there're not many rules and regulation. Everything is so flexible. In my new company everything need a complicated and long processes. Really get frustrated sometime for the processes I need to go through in order to get things done. Communication become one of the challenges in here. For all the knowledge I have, communication has been one of my weakness. Technical skills are not a must in here but communication skill is definitely a must. Everyday you need to deal with more than 20 mails, sometime up to 50 mails. At first I encounter problem to organize my mailbox because always exceed the maximum mailbox capacity. Reply email became one of my daily task. There's one thing I believe, '江山易改,本性难移'. It's a Chinese Proverb which mean it's hard to change our behavior. With my straight forward and impulsive behavior, I have made a lot...


Tonight is another boring night. After I have changed to this job, my life seems to be pretty easy going. No more rushing for deadline... no more coding after work... no more work related reading... no more... All of that just replaced with chating via MSN and blogging... Suddenly Cindy - "老妈子" (god mother who is my uni-coursemate) MSN me... What a surprised since she has not contacted me quite for some time. The first 2 sentences really puzzle me. WhAT??? She needs to get herself married in 3 months time??? The only thought was she is pregnant??? OMG!!! Baby... baby??? I can't believe it. No way man. Aiyoh, how come "老豆" so careless and didn't do precaution? How could he do that to "老妈子". Without hesitation, I gave "老妈子" a call. After long hour of asking finally I was able to extort a confession from her. It was just a misunderstanding of interpretation. "老妈子" is not having baby. It's just that "老豆" father just ...

Back to the "Future"

Today I was trying hard to guide YK who's currently located in Japan to find a book store in Japan -Book 1st which located at Shibuya. While I was explaining the direction to him, suddenly he found this nice Google Map and asked me to guide him from there. I was wondering how am I going to help him with this Google Map.Then I started to explore it. Wah, it's so wonderful. You can actually use the google street view to view how the street look like. I was like traveled back to Shibuya with time machine. The street seems so real as if I was at Shibuya and walking to work like 2.5 years back. Really unbelievable. I traversed from 渋谷駅(Shibuya Station) until Book 1st where I used to spend my lunch time there reading books. Then I try to find Keisei Sekiya Station (京成関屋駅) where I had traveled to work to and from Tokyo Kensyu Centre -TKS (東京研修センター) everyday . I spent almost 9 months there. I have a lot of unforgettable and wonderful memory there which is getting faded now and then......


据我所知,男人的聚会大多是谈‘女人经’,‘经济经’,‘车经’。。。那么女人的聚会又会谈什么呢???‘老公经’,‘孩子经’??? 我们6位女人可是13年的朋友了吧!(如没记错)应该从中二开始,我们就认识了。转眼间,13年就这样的过去了。13年可不是一个很短的岁月,那也占了我人生一半的时间有余。最近我们兴起了,两个月来一次聚会的潮流。 今天也是离开上次聚会的两个月限期。我们约了在吧生的‘Centos’聚会。这次有位‘妈妈级’的RY不能出席,就剩下我们这5位小姐谈天说地。 话题都围绕在两位小姐(HF,HW)的男友的家庭。让我想起了婆媳之间的斗心沟角。可她们的情况又有点不同。两位都有很多共同点-非常注重卫生。故事就这样开始了。。。 两位陪男友回家乡时都会自备食水。难道男友家没水喝吗?那可不是的。而是两位都一致认为男友家的食水有异味及达不到她们的卫生水准。OMG。。。 HF呢,每次去男友家,总爱躲到男友的房里直到吃饭时间才出现。每次还是以最快的速度把菜挟到自己的碗里,再以120公里时速把饭吃完。这是因为男友的家人都不用公筷,这对她而言是非常不卫生的。如有人挟菜给她都会被转移到男友的碗里。 HW呢,都尽量不在男友家吃。男友以一桶水把两层楼房抹完是难以理解的。实在是太肮脏了。餐具都必须再清洗才用。如果出外吃饭都会要男友事先把桌椅抹干净先,再以烧水把餐具清洗消毒后才用。在外都不吃菜,因为餐馆都不把菜洗干净。 RF呢,就把‘老公’培训了(注册了可还没行礼)。以前饭后都不洗碗,现在就负起了洗完的工作。不抹地的,也开始了抹地的生涯。 很多时候,不同家庭背景,不同身长环境,培养了不同的生活习惯。老天爷总爱开玩笑,把不同极端的人配合在一起,只为了让人可以互相迁就,互相补助。10只手指都有长与短,人不可能都一样,十全十美的。两个人相处的时候,应该尽量配合, 尽量学对方的长处,再加以修炼以达到共识。我自认也有很多坏习惯。:P 女人呀女人。。。下一次的聚会应该是十月吧。。。期待下一次的有趣话题! p/s:姐妹真对不起,把你们摆上台。


今天是本小姐的大日子。换上我最喜欢的白色上衣,再吃‘老妈子’特地为我炮制的生日面线就上班去了。还是老样子。无所事事的我也可以忙一个早上。好冷清的生日呢。。。记得以前的生日,凌晨时分短讯不断,电话也接了几通,祝福连连。可现在,电话倒是冷清清的,短讯也寥寥无几。 本想可能会有意外惊喜。可是以前的旧同事都忘了我的生日。去年我们还一起庆祝呢。。。:‘( 留了午餐时间给他们,可他们都忘了,所以没约我。算了吧,今晚还好有一班姐妹陪我度过。算是个补偿! 今天开会时,又被憋在一旁了。觉得自己已经在这儿一个月了,还是没有贡献。不知道自己还可以呆多久。平时的我总是叽叽喳喳的,可是一到开会的时候,就像哑巴似的。头脑就不灵活了。意见怎么敲也敲不出来。1个小时的会,就好像在地狱里度过了。 6时了,可是最后一分钟发现资料出了问题。问了同事他也忙得不可开交。时间一分一分过去了,还是问不出任何结果。不管了实在得走了。再不走就要挨骂了。好讨厌不负责任的我。 带着内疚及兴奋的心情扑约,我猛踩油门开车驶向Bukit Tinggi。不知如何,我竟然迷路了。。。只因我认错了一条路。兜兜转转的我竟然在原位驶了一个半小时。最后还是靠朋友及友善的‘ 刷布刷布 ’(しゃぶしゃぶ)老板在电话里引导指路我才安全到达目的地。 抵达时,她们已经吃了七七八八了。我以最快的速度把全部的食物往肚里塞。顺便秀秀我的新手机。我用了公司给我的固本买了这部新上市的 W760i 。虽然不是我心目中的那一部 ( C902 ),可是机能还算不错。就当作我的生日大礼吧。还是有生以来最贵的电话呢! 今年的生日就这样过去了。。。又老了。。。岁月总是不留人。。。


最近换了一份新工。本来是一份很如意的工,可是人算不如天算,上头上个星期把我调开现在的工作。好闷气呢。。。又不甘心。。。想探个究竟可是以一个新人来说哪有说话的余地。。。因为除了我还有我的同事也被调开了。他可是做了一年呢。每天带着郁闷的心情上班。心中的不满一点也不能消减。为什么不能给我这一次机会呢?我的伯乐呢?? 无所事事的我,无意中发现了这本书-[一笑天下,无难事]在茶桌上。“生活压力!心情低落!情绪紧绷!其实,你只是遗忘的是久违的笑容。试试我给你这个秘诀:先快乐,然后看看会发生什么。”真适合我。 看着。。。看着。。。这本书变成我消磨晚上的时间及睡前最好的安眠药。。。一直以来我总是不满我上头为我安排的一切。总是不满。很多时候,明明知道是自己的问题,可是总爱钻牛角尖,所以搞到自己不开心。 人往往很多时候都特别爱挑剔,却不知道你在挑剔人的同时,也被人挑剔着。我应该学会正视自己,应该打开自己的心房。这样我才能看到这个世界。善待别人,就是善待自己。 看了这本书,经典在于“不是顺心如意让人欢喜,而是欢喜让人顺心如意。不要在等待快乐的事发生,不要再期待所有的问题都解决了,你已经等得够久了。快展露微笑吧!” 嘻嘻。。。呵呵。。。哈哈。。。

Sekinchan and Kuala Selangor Daily Tour by Sam

After our first trip to Gua Tempurung & Sg. Klah Hot Spring, this time is Sam's turn to organize tour to Sekinchan and Kuala Selangor . We - urban kids are alway wondering how's it like living among paddy fields and fishing villages... Though very tired after the team building, without hesitation I gave my promised to join. This time we have a new member - 'Lin Lin' and missed out Elbert. With the aching and tired body we met in HK's house again. I'm the first person to reach there again followed by KS and Sam. Good to have fun with them again ;) Ei, missing one participant. KS told us this bad news - 'Lin Lin' can't join us cause she's still in Genting... HUH?? Promise to join yet now in Genting??? Then only found out that she's 'FFK Queen'- those who like to break promise. As usual Mac-D breakfast again :S I'll skip that since we'll be having another breakfast in Sekinchan. I'll reserved my stomach for that...