
Showing posts from 2009

Children + Fire = Danger

Just step in my house, my sis and mom started to tell story. This afternoon, the house next next door on my right just caught fire. I looked at them unbelievable. Fire? I never thought it would happened just a few meter away from my house and my house was lucky to escape from the fire. The house next to it was caught by the fire as well. Then started to smell some burning smell. The root cause was suspected that the 6 years old child was playing with lighter upstair while his granny was doing house chore downstair. Accidently the fire started to spread. The granny was only notice when someone opposite shout that their house caught fire. The granny immediately escape out from the house with her grandchild. She knocked on my door to borrow the phone but my sis thought it was just some swindle and do not bother her. Later only she sense something went wrong because it was a bit chaotic outside and some burning smell. My mom who came back in the afternoon saw the fire was spreading through...


原来我太执著了。 只为了某种信念,只要认定了,誓死也很难改变。就因为这种执著的格性,反而造成周遭的朋友身心俱疲。 与其说执著,不如说是那种好胜的心理在作怪。就是那种死爱面子的人。即使错了,还是不肯承认,还想撑到底。 其实很多时候,只要我稍微改观,接受他人的想法,很多事都能有个大团圆的结局。可是偏偏却为了我小小的执著,很多事都不能迎刃而解,反而闹得大家面红耳赤,不欢而散。 常常想,这是不值得的。人生还有好一段长远的路要走,还有很多事要做。对事有要求固然好,可是太执著反而坏了大事。 想与行动往往成了对比。话说得容易,做起来却是那么的困难。。。

20091213 ~ Broga Hill

Malaysia's December is full of holiday. Except the first week, we just need to work 4 days per week. Initially plan to go for SkyTrex on 11-December but later being cancelled. It was my fault because I fail to make the reservation early as planned. Felt so bad for my friends since we managed to gather around 10 pax for the activity. It has been a very long time since the last trip I had with HK, Sam, SK... Recently found that my sis went to Broga Hill (武來岸山) which located at Semenyih (士毛多) and the scenery look pretty nice. Suggested to HK for half day trip to Broga Hill. The response was not really good, only me, HK and Sam wanted to go for the hiking. Sam managed to pull some of his friend from Seremban to join for the hiking. There are 2 option either went there as early as possible to catch the sun rise or not. Since it's just for leisure, we decided to depart at 7am from Sam's house. SK joined us last minute. This is the first time I was late to reach HK's house. W...

Be Good 'Daughter'

Today I’m being a so call good daughter. Being kind enough to be a driver and doing grocery with my mom. Although I have been around home for around 3 years but I hardly remember that I ever accompany my mom to do grocery on weekend. Usually my life is kind of boring and I have rather choose to stay at home to sleep, watch movie or drama instead of accompany my mom and aunt for grocery. Today I even volunteer to fetch them to Tesco to do their grocery. That was pretty tiring. How they select the fruits and veggies… Comparing price… This is cheaper in Tesco, that’s cheaper in Giant… The time just passed without my notice. 3 hours was just too short for them. After going to Tesco, my aunt wants to go to Jusco to buy rice because it’s cheaper there. I’m pretty patient today and not showing my annoying look which I usually show when I have to wait for long queue and being driver fetching here and there. Though this is a boring and tiring task but just felt it’s good after all to be a good ...


女人,你要如何让自己幸福?可能读了这几则短篇你就是那幸运儿。同样的情况,结果却是浑然不同。 第一则 ===== 她:“老公。帮我接杯水呗。” 他:“石头剪子布。谁输了谁去。” 她:“算了。我自己去吧。” 他们坐在一起看韩剧。她起身。 他:“干吗去?” 她:“去接杯水。” 他:“你坐这看吧。我去给你接。” 女人多可怜。她对男人唯一的要求就是“疼她”。你可以什么都没有。只要你疼她。她就有足够的勇气把自己的下半辈子交给你。 第二则 ===== 他晚上下班。给她打电话“宝贝儿。我晚上和朋友出去吃饭。” 她:“你不是答应我陪我逛街的吗?” 他:“改天吧!” 她默默地流泪。为什么每次都是这样? 他下班的时候打电话给她:“亲爱的。别人给我一张奥运会的票。巴西队啊!一会儿我去 看球了啊。” 她:“哦。这样啊。好吧。” 他:“怎么不高兴了?” 她:“你忘了。上周说好今天我朋友和她男朋友请我俩吃饭啊。” 他:“哎呀。对不起亲爱的。我忘记了。那我把票给别人吧。我陪你去吃饭。” 她:“不要了。吃饭可以改天。或者你先去看。我们等你。” 他:“那不行。答应你的事情必须得做到。再说你自己跟他俩在一起像电灯泡似的。你肯定不舒服啊” 她:“没事……” 没等她说完。 他很强势的告诉她“好了。听我的。你收拾一下。我一会儿去接你。” 其实女人不是不懂事。只是。她需要碰上一个懂事的男人。其实。情侣之间。是可以互相的。 第三则 ===== 他:“我晚上出去吃饭了啊。” 她:“几点回家?” 他:“九点之前肯定回家。” 九点半,她:“你怎么还不回来啊?” 他:“十。肯定回家。” 十一点。十二点。一点。两点…… 后来。她不再打电话催他。因为她知道。对于不守承诺的男人。一切“肯定”都是“未必”。 他:“我晚上出去吃饭。九点之前肯定结束。然后我俩去看电影。” 她:“你能那么快就结束吗?” 他:“放心吧。我答应你了就一定能!” 快到九点的时候。他:“收拾一下吧。我马上就到你家了” 信任。是在一件一件小事中建立起来的。 第四则 ===== 她生理期。身体不舒服。顶着疼痛洗衣服。收拾屋子。 他坐在电脑前面玩网络游戏。 她干完活。躺在床上。长出了一口气。 他看了她一眼:“宝贝儿。辛苦了!” 然后转过头。继续玩他的游戏。 她生理期。很难受。起身准备洗衣服。 他拽住她:“你去床上躺着。我来!” 她:“你会做家务吗?你自己洗过衣...

~ Luxury Dinner ~

Another luxury dinner being arranged by my uncle to welcome my cousin coming back from Dubai. Unfortunately he was tied up with his work and did not manage to come back on-time for the dinner. Luckily we still can celebrate my aunt's 66th birthday which fall on the same day :) The dinner was among the most delicious we have had compared to the previous one. Besides that, we have expensive brandy to accompany throughout the dinner - Martell Creation . Here is the full list of 10 dishes we were going to savour tonight. The first dish was 'Lobster Platter with Five Dishes' - Fried Chicken, Fried Fish Fin, Cheesy Slice Abalone, Lobster Salad and Sweet and Sour Sausage. I alway love this dish because each small dish has it's own different taste and unique flavor. 'Sharkfin Soup with Scallop and Crab Meat' - The soup itself was really delicious and sweet after long hour of cooking with the incredients. 'Crispy Little Piggy' - I just ate the skin with the ...

** 814 **

"814" - What does that mean??? Numbers has been widely use to represent some words in chinese. It's widely use in SMS, MSN... For an example :- 918 ~ ‘加油吧’ (Ganbate!) 88 ~ ‘拜拜’ (Goodbye) 246 ~ ‘饿死了’(Starving) 168 ~ ‘一路发’(Keep on getting wealthy) Then what does 814 mean? In chinese it can be interprete into 2 different Chinese words, '发一世' and '发一死'. Both of the interpretation give total different meaning. The prior mean get wealthy your whole life, the later mean once you get wealthy you'll be dying... Never thought of the meaning hiding behing those numbers until one day while I was talking with my friends and she asked when is my birthday. She just kept on repeating my birthday then suddenly she just connect 14-Aug to the above 2 Chinese words. Now, when they asked for my birthday, I'll just use the first Chinese words since it give a better meaning :) While I was counting down for my birthday on MSN, the first call came in. The one and only ...

Pre-Training ~ Gua Batu Maloi

Finally make up my mind to join my friend's super challenging and exotic tour to Mulu. It'll be a total 10 days 9 nights at Gunung Mulu National Park which include Gunung Mulu Summit Trail (2,377meters), Deer Cave, Lang's Cave, Bat Exodus, Sarawak Chamber Cave , Clear Water Cave, Wind Cave, The Pinnacles . Initially do not plan to join the tour due to this year, every 3 months I took a long holiday. It has been pretty hard to take long holiday as whenever I went for vacation, something bad will happened... This time I just can't bring my laptop along :( Furthermore, I made a big mistake when I made the flight reservation. I booked the ticket on 28-August instead of 29-August. Deep inside my heart, I was thinking it might be my destiny that I shouldn't join for the trip... So I told BY that I'm joining but later told her that I can't make it after the wrong flight reservation. After struggling hard, I decided to take the challenge. But after reading through ...

~~ Beautifully Imperfect ~~

This meaningful advertisement was directed by Yasmin Ahmad who is one of the well known director, writer and scriptwriter in Malaysia as well as internationally for her creativity, humor, warm heart, touching story across multi-racial. Unfortunately we lost her recently on 25-July. It seems that we alway remember the imperfect part in our life more than anything else. That's why it's so call ~ beautifully imperfect ~

The World Is Spinning :S

Yesterday night was my cousin's wedding. I can't make it on-time to the wedding at 7pm so my parents and sisters left me behind. After rushing from Segambut back to Klang, I just took a quick bath and drove to the wedding dinner. Luckily it was just a stone throw away from my house. Once reached there, I gave a call to my sister for the exact location. Once enter the ballroom, I was just in time. The wedding just started. I was being allocated at the first row. The wedding was really grand and my uncle had invited alot of peoples for the wedding. My aunt and uncle were questioning me why I was late. I just gave them a polite smile. I was still full with the heavy lunch I have had at Tenji. The food only started to serve at 9pm. My uncle was so warm to get me wain. Usually after 1-2 glasses of wain, I'm still ok but yesterday after the 1st glass of wain, I was ok but after 1 hour, I started to feel that my head was a bit heavy and heartbeat started to pump so fast. I can rea...


距离是用来计算从一个地方,到另一个地方所经过的路线的长度。槟城离这儿有多远?美国离这儿又有多远呢?这些都可以用数字计算出来。 可是人与人之间的距离才是最难衡量的,因为那不能用数字来计算,看不到,衡量不到,也只能用心去体会。尤其是女人,就只凭感觉,凭第六感来衡量与别人的距离。 我却缺乏了这种第六感。我很难琢磨人与人之间要如何保持适当的距离。什么距离才是安全的?很多时候,不知不觉就超越了自己应保持的距离。有时超越了那种应有的距离也还不知道。一旦发现时,才恍然大悟,可是已经伤了彼此原有的情谊。。。 如果你太热情,别人会说你滥交。如果你太冷漠,别人会说你高傲。就像如果你跟老板太好,别人就在你背后说你很会拍马屁。如果你对老板视而不见,老板又会觉得你不识抬举。 今天‘老豆’为我上了一堂宝贵的课。男人是不会做所谓的‘亏本生意’。也就是说,男人是不会无缘无故对一位女人好,除非他对她有某种企图,或女人给了男方一些暗示。这也有例外,除非那男人是你认识很久很久,彼此已经很了解对方。 他让我回想一些我曾经犯的错误。原来那些都是我的错。我给了不应该给的讯息让人误会。我忘了考虑彼此应保持的距离,而造成了困惑。 原来我是必须活在别人的当下。很多事都必须顾及别人的感受,别人如何看待自己。难道我就不能洒洒脱脱的做回我自己?还是我从来都不认识我自己?也不了解自己? 做人真是一大学问。如果我可以拿捏人与人之间应保持的距离,我想我已经成功一半了。可是我想我注定是失败了例子。。。只因为我实在太懒惰去了解别人想什么,也不喜欢去猜测别人的想法。。。

Covered by Black Cloud...

Recently I were covered by all the bad luck. Not sure why all those bad things kept on happening to me... Since last month 13 June, I started to be covered by 'black cloud'. Server crash, outage again. It took me around 1 weeks to solve the problem and another 3 days 2 nights to fully restored the server and service. After that, I was hoping for a peaceful life but it doesn't end like that. 2nd July midnight, suddenly received called that the system was having problem again... I pop up from my bed to check the servers. Everything was alright. Then later found that both the DB encountered some problem. No vendor support. 12 midnight some more... What to do? So I just did something and then everything seems ok initially. Who knows after half an hour, found that both of the DB was down and cannot be re-booted. Do some troubleshooting but still cannot solved the problem. Can't help so just escalate to my manager then called vendor up for help. Vendor can't do anything a...


想与不想的差别是当你很想要做或得到某种东西时,你会不惜一切的想尽办法达到目的。不想做或不想要的东西,即使垂首可得也可能在所不惜。 这次澳洲旅行的飞机票,去年已经买了。可是一点想去的欲望也没有,所以准备也没做。最后一个星期才开始上网找了住宿。很早就想放弃,理由是不想与我妹妹一起去。一直以来,跟她的感情最不好。虽然同房,可是我们可以不说一句话。一开口就是语带讽刺,你一句,我一句,谁也不让谁。 人很多时候,很奇怪。对一个人有偏见时,不管他做什么,你就是看不顺眼。我对我妹妹就是这种感觉。。。 当天因为发生了一些状况,我整天都在忙着工作。其实这两个月,我都非常忙。很多不如意的情况发生了,搞得我天翻地覆。根本没把去澳洲的事放在心上。连上机的时间也没检查或留意。 当天也因为工作搞到8时才出发去机场。我的好妹妹竟然把我们9时25分的班机当成10时25分。抵达时,竟然已经8时55分了。亚行根本就不让我们登机。我反而松了一口气,也没有失落的感觉。一回家,又开始工作,我想我一定是工作狂了。。。 她就不停的问我,要不要星期日再搭飞机去?我可真的被她烦死了,拒绝了她的要求。我宁可牺牲那些机票也不想陪她去。 当我终于把我手头上的麻烦解决后,又开始过意不去。结果还是在买了机票,陪她一起去。可是一抵达,我们又开始闹意见了。把气氛搞到很差,也没心情去玩,去享受哪儿的环境。 原来不想做一件事而去做是那么的不愉快,也会把身边的气氛与环境变差。其实如果想去旅行,最好找一些与你志同道合的人。不然你就会像我那么后悔莫及了。

Grandma in Heaven

Today is Mother's Day. Initially plan to take my mum for 'Dim Sum' but end up my mum preparing dinner for us. After the dinner, we planned to visit my grandma who's very sick. It took us around 50 minutes to cross the bridge which is under construction now. When we reached there, I can heard the chanting of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo came from the 1st floor where my grandma stayed... I just had a bad feeling. When I saw my cousin who came to open the door for us was crying in red eyes, I knew at once that my grandma no longer around... She just passed away at 9pm meanwhile we reached there around 15 minutes later... Missed the last moment to be with her. She was sleeping peacefully on the bed, holding tightly on her prayer beads. Actually I just can vividly remember that when I was small, I was once taken care by her because my mum didn't manage to get a babysister to take care of me. The only memory I'm still having was her chanting of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and recitati...


最近也不知道是不是荷尔蒙失调,仰或心理不平衡,总是觉得很郁闷,很暴躁。做什么也提不起劲来。 在公司里,就像一个没有灵魂的躯壳。早上一到就是把耳机塞进耳朵里,开着最近下载的日文歌,重复又重复的听。把工作做完后,就在哪儿发呆,东张西望。今天更无聊到,可以写部落格。。。 回家后,什么也不理。吃晚饭后就是打开电脑,又重播同样的歌,然后躺在床上,什么也没做,不知不觉就睡着了。进入深夜时,我就会惊醒。把电脑关了后,就开始在床上翻来覆去,很难入眠。 只要母亲开始唠叨,我的心情就更糟了。乱发一场脾气,拍拍屁股就走了。 难道这就是所谓的更年期?不会吧?那么早。。。可是种种症状很明显的显示出我的心理很不寻常。 女人的心情就像天气一样-阴晴不定。有时连女人自己都不知道自己为什么会那样。就像我现在。。。如果医学上有药治这种病,我想销售量应该很好 :)


开始启用 ‘Ocean’ 应该是大学开始吧。那时我第一次登录MSN。左想想,有想想,用什么代名呢??? 结果就启用了‘Ocean’ - 海洋。 在大学时,记不起有没有人问过我为什么用 ‘Ocean’。 可能有,可是印象不深刻。 当我开始出来社会工作后,尤其是我的旧公司,同事开始问我为什么用‘Ocean’。 我都是以微笑带过。 当他们开始把 ‘Ocean’ 取代我的名时,还有点不习惯呢,常常抗议。可是后来,我也习以为常。 反而现在,好像没有人再记得我的名或用我的名呼唤我了。。。 回想当时选 ‘Ocean’ 时,应该是我正迷惑着,就像迷失在海洋真中央,不知去向。 那时我即将毕业,人生的新旅途也即将诞生。 一直以来都是以既来之,则安之的态度对待我的人生。 社会这名词是多么的陌生。 我不知道我应该以怎样的心态来面对。 我能适应吗? 我能面对社会的险恶丑态? 我想我是很彷徨的。。。 可是出来社会工作,也没遇上什么大风大雨,也只能说一路来都是平平凡凡的过了。 有时还开始怀疑这是我想要的吗? 我又跌入了无底的海洋里,试图挣扎找出路。 工作换了一份又一份,我想我还是在一望无际的海洋里,寻寻觅觅地找一个可以让我靠岸的避风港。

Why so many locks?

It was so frustrated this morning. I was heading to my office. Looking outside the door, my sister's car was blocking my car. Once get in my sister car, I need to unlock her car's door, steering lock and gear lock. After park her car, I have to lock back the gear lock, steering lock and car's door. My car even worst, my dad provided 2 steering lock but usually I just use one of it. Even my inner doors, I think we have at least a few locks. Why Malaysian need so many locks? Even with all these locks, one day you might found that your car is missing somewhere or house being burgled. :( I went to Bangkok a few weeks back. I was so surprised to see that their car was parked without pulling the handbrake due to limited parking space. They'll reallocated the car if the car is blocking their way. I don't think it'll ever happened in Malaysia because if you do that, probably your car will not be seen when you come back. So don't feel strange when you visit Mal...

Are you obese ???

Today found a box near the stair case. Wondering what's inside the box I just opened it. Surprisingly I found the body fat analyzer given by a Japanese Coordinator 3 years back. Check out the battery, there were still 4 AAA batteries inside without any leakage. I just pressed the "電源" button to switch on this little machine. Wow, it was still functioning, huray! A bit unbelievable. Still wondering how to operate this small machine. Just click here and there. It was pretty easy, the body fat analyzer will analyze the body fat according to your height, weight, age and gender. Then it will categorize your body fat into 4 level - slim, standard, slight obese and obese. After inserting all my information, i tested it out by putting my hand on the side way of the small machine. Guess what??? My body fat level was --> 21%. STANDARD !!! Hehe...

20090308 - Damnoen Saduak, Nakorn Pathom

Damnoen Saduak Floating Market situated 110 kms west of Bangkok. It's very famous among tourists to see the old style and traditional way of selling and buying fruits, vegetables, etc. from small boats. The best time to reach there is around 8-9am because it is not too hot at that time. Usually the floating market will closed at around 11am. My cousin wanted to go to the place alot but due to the location where we stay it's hard to go out so early to take bus to the Floating Market. The day before that, I have asked my Thai friend to help out. He called up the previous taxi driver again - Mr. Dhan who left his contact to us last Friday. He promised to pick us up at 7am and 1700 baht for round trip. He was lost again on his way to my friend's house. He was late for an hour :( When he saw us coming out from the house, he was so surprised because he never aspected that his customer were us. Hehe... He even show us the picture he took for us in Ayutthaya. Along the way,...

20090306 - Ayutthaya

With the help of my friend's employee (thai), she translated our itinerary into thai for us. According to her, most of the taxi driver do not know English so it's better to have it written in Thai. She adviced us to take taxi to Ayutthaya because it's more convenience and easy. It cost around 1500 baht. Later we decided to go by bus. Her driver drove us to the nearest BTS skytrain station - Thong Lo station . We took the BTS until the last station - Mo Chit station . From there we're suppose to take the bus to Ayutthaya. We asked around, but ended up taking taxi. We bargain until 1200 Baht for round trip to Bang Pa-In Summer Palace (พระราชวังบางปะอิน) and Ayutthaya (อาณาจักรอยุธยา) - Wat Mahathat ( วัดมหาธาตุ ), Wat Na Phra Mane() and Wat Lokayasutharam(วัดโลกยสุธาราม). Once inside the taxi, both of us were so tired and we just fall aslept. Since the taxi driver don't know much english, it's better for us to save our energy sleeping. We was awaken when he sto...