
Showing posts from December, 2008


一直以来,对于男性来说,婚姻就是坟墓因为那代表了他们将会失去自由的开始。 他们失去了单身贵族的身份。 不再可以光明正大地谈妞,泡妞,约‘猪朋狗友’上酒吧。。。 可是随着时代的变迁,女性也患上了婚姻恐惧症。 婚姻对两个人来说,就是责任,就是一生的承诺。 由于现在不管男性或女性都拥有自己的事业。 大家都有能力养活自己,女性不再需要依靠她的另一半,有自己的想法,有自己的理想。 这造就了,新女性迟婚,或不愿把自己埋在婚姻里,只因为婚姻可能是她们事业上的绊脚石。 现在可好了,流行起同居来了。 那是一种类似婚姻生活,可是不需要任何承诺。合则来,不合则分,反而干净利落。 不需要什么协议或法律上的责任。 相爱容易,同住难,同居反而变成了试婚的好办法。 我的其中两位朋友。 每每一坐下来,就会开始讨论对婚姻的恐惧感,所以迟迟都不肯步入婚姻生活,一拖再拖。 对她们而言,结婚生活就代表了,无境界的家务事,婆媳之间的纠纷,家庭开销。。。 谈到婚姻就只有一个字可形容 - 烦。 她们很享受现在的生活,不想有任何改变。 朋友,有时候,人顾虑太多东西,反而让你怯步,无法向前行驶。 人生到了某个阶段就因该有适当的改变。 希望很快听到你们的好消息。


爱情?事业?小孩?钱财?哪些是你梦寐以求的呢? 总是发现,当你很渴望得到爱情的时候,偏偏你的真命天使从来没出现过。 当你不再相信爱情时,那个人出现了, 结果,你跟他/她就这样插身而过。 就这样错过了这段缘份。 有些人,本想一心一意地在一家公司待到老,可是不断有猎人头找他, 让他不知如何选择。 有人却在家等了好久,还是没接到一通求职的联系。 有些新婚夫妇根本就不想这么快有小孩降临在他们的两人世界,偏偏就在初夜,一个新生命降临了。 有些夫妇结婚了好多年,好想拥有自己的孩子,用尽所有的办法也不能如愿以偿。 好奇怪。 每次我心里渴求的东西,总不会不劳而获。 在完全没有心理准备的情况下,总有意外的收获。 想要的,得不到;不想要的,垂手可得。 难道是天意弄人?


好多时候,人总是一味的批评别人,却从来不检讨自己。 别人的过错,总爱用放大镜,有多大就放多大,想让全世界的人知道。 自己的过错,就尽可能隐藏起来,越少人知道越好。 那可能是因为小时候的教育吧。。。 当你做错事时,你肯定不会勇于认错,因为你知道,只要你认错,肯定会挨骂或挨打。 可是当你知道,那是别人干的‘好事’,你就会迫不及待告诉老师或家长,因为这样你可能会被嘉许,赞赏。 尤其在这现实的世界里,职场就像战场,不是你死就是我亡。 只要你一不小心犯了错误,就会有人借题发挥,乘机立功。 有时好讨厌,这些小人。 为什么他们就不能,检讨一下自己,难道他们从来没有过错吗? 有时候,我们应该留一点余地给自己,因果报应嘛。 每天应该检讨或反省一下,当天所犯的错。 如果不小心说了一些伤人的话,或说别人的是非,就尽量减少吧。 与其浪费时间在这些无畏的事上,还不如好好的充实自己,做一些有益的事。 谈何容易,做起来可是一点也不简单。 我的脾气一向来都比较暴躁,也没什么耐性,火山一爆发就一发不可收拾。爆发后,总是后悔当时的冲动,然后就一一向他人道歉。 如果我可以就在当时,好好地提醒自己,不让自己爆发,那就不会伤到无辜的人了。 对不起,说太多了,也变得没意思了。。。


人类的命运由谁来掌握? 在我们还没有思考能力,可能命运还轮不到我们自己来决定。 记得小时候,常常有这个念头 - 离家出走。 那么我就不再需要听我妈的唠叨,做我想做的事,不再需要家人的约束。 很幼稚吧。。。 中六毕业后,我选了离我家比较远的一所大学 - 位于槟城的理大。 原因无它,就是想离开家里。 那是我人生其中一个转捩点。 一个人孤身作战的来到了理大。 不知不觉地就这样完成了我三年的学士。 还没毕业前就接受了去国外两年的合约。 也没什么,终于可以离开大马,去更远的地方,看看外国的月亮是不是他人所说般,那么圆。 开始自己决定自己想走的路。 那时也没想太多,就这样的去了。 两年也就一晃而过。 我执著的要求回来大马。 可能在那儿,看不到自己的未来。 兜兜转转的,又回来了。 任性的我即使毁约也要回我自己的自由, 就这样的赔钱了事。 也就这样的回来了我的家乡。 原来我执著地想离开家,掌握我自己的命运,却又回到起点。 其实也不知道,那是早已安排好的命运,还是我自己创造出来的。 我想我还是属于瞒幸运的,一路来都遇到很多帮过我的贵人。 当然,当中也有后悔自己的决定, 可是后悔只能当我的回忆了。 如果有想做的事,就应该不惜一切的去实现。 那当然必须以正当的途径实现。 不要老是回头看,原来自己错过了生命中很多重要的事还没做。 珍惜你所拥有的每一天,向往明天的到来。 我相信命运应该由自己来决定。 人生的每一个决定,当然有得与失。 就因为不知道未来是怎样,生活才那么的多姿多彩,不是吗? 如果你已经知道结局了,你还会享受过程吗?

Celine's Birthday at Don Kitchen

This year I have been busy with gathering, birthday party, wedding dinner, outing, bla bla bla... Today will be the last birthday celebration for this year. The lucky star is - Celine. Celine just complained that my blogs are too long and alot of grandmother story :( Since Celine likes Japanese food alot, we have selected Don Kaiten Japanese Restaurant which located at Klang Parade. It is a kaiten sushi shop which served all kind of sushi from nigirisushi, makimono to harumaki. Besides that, it served a wide variety of raimen, soba/udon, donburi ... Since we have a "small" birthday cake for Celine, we want our dinner to be lighter. Basically they have ordered raimen meanwhile BY and me have ordered donburi. We have a plate of Chicken Katsu Cheese Maki while waiting for BY. Kimuchi Ramen ~ RM 13.90 Dry Ramen Teriyaki ~ RM 13.90 Tempura Ramen (wt 2 ebi tempura) ~ RM 15.90 Chicken Teriyaki Don (wt Miso soup) ~ RM 12.90 Tendon (wt Miso soup) ~ RM 14.90 The food was not as goo...

Craving for ~ LOVE ~

LOVE??? " strong feelings of attraction towards, and affection for, another adult, or great affection for a friend or family member " ~ dictionary. Due to my sis being cheated recently, I got really tired with my parents. My sis is not young anymore yet trusted some outsider without second thought which could lead her to life danger. My parents try to wash her brain and this has cause noice pollution. They just kept on repeating the same thing everday whenever my sis was around, even 6am in the early morning. Sweat... I got even angry when my sis still persist on her own thoughts. She even blamed my parents for not taking care of her when she was a child due to work. Blamed us for not showing appreciation for every good will she had done. I would say my parents are typical Chinese. Their love are more encrypted and hard to be interpreted. My dad is absolutely a serious man (from his outlook) meanwhile my mum basically like scolding and busy body. We only talked to our dad wh...


Lucky? How many people in this world are really lucky? And how many people being cheated just because of this word? My most stingy sis being cheated again for twice just because of this word - 'LUCKY'. In this year, I'm not sure how many times she went to police station, 3 times at least. First time, she lost her car. She even put her car insurance inside the car, thus lost it with her car as well. Second time, her handbag was being snatched, lost her IC, house key, ... - police station again. Third time, being cheated by a China lady who called her up, and told her how 'LUCKY' she was. She believed and transferred 1K to the specific account. Ended up in police station again. Later her car was found, I'm not sure that's consider as lucky or not. As for me, I'm the unlucky one as I need to use that chunk which cost me a few K to fix it. :( This morning, she even drove my mum car just because she doesn't need to pay for petrol. On her way to the car pa...

Being Teased :( Got Something In Returned :)

Today got a bar of white chocolate from my colleague. Without my notice, I have finished the whole bar of chocolate before I left the office :( Putting on weight recently cause I'm pretty free despite the development job I need to do for the Data Center - FOC. I'm a pretty weird person. After I left my ex-company, it seems like I'm still keeping a very close contact with most of my ex-colleagues. We went for trip together. We have lunch together. We went for movie together. We celebrate birthday together. We have dinner together... It's really strange. Before that, we hardly have movie or dinner together. Today, after work it was a bit late than usual. 7++pm... Should I joined their badminton... Until the junction, the traffic light indicated red, without my notice, I have turned left toward the spot center. When they saw me, all of them started to asked me. Some even teased me why I was there. I could not answer actually. Why? I was wondering also. There were more peop...

When Venus, Jupiter and Moon Meet ~ Smiley :)

Around 8pm suddenly received an SMS, with the following content :- " Guys, check out the west bound of the sky.. U can see the venus, jupiter and moon forming a smiley face -> :) nice view... ~ Keith " I hesitated a while, must be those forwarded SMS, mustn't be real I guess. Due to my nature of curiousity, I just can't help but went out to my parent's room balcony. Out of my surprised, I saw the Venus and Jupiter as the eyes with the Crescent Moon as the mouth formed the smiley. It's so unbelievable. Although they're far apart, still it's really incredible. I'm not sure how long we need to wait for this magnificant view. I was speechless but still manage to shout for my sis to come over to view it. She does not show much interest at all. :( I would like to share this with all my friends. I quickly forwarded the SMS to all my friends. Only a few gals reply and enjoy the same view as I do. Here is the picture taken by Keith. I have seek permiss...