20080702 - One Night Stay at Kuala Terengganu
"Today I need to leave earlier, is that ok?" asking my supervisor. "OK". That's just great. Counting down the time to leave. 5:20pm sharp, I received my friend's call and started to pack my things. Yet, when he's waiting outside my company, I'm still on my desk :( Dragging my luggage with thousand pair of eyes watching me, damn embarrassed...
We have our dinner at Butler's - one and the only one fast food around this old Subang Airport. I ordered "fish sandwich" which look quite different from the pictures, Eileen - my cousin ordered fried chicken meanwhile her friend - Veron ordered the waffle. The friend chicken was tasty and not oily(according to Eileen) but the waffle seems not cooked(according to Veron). The fries also not well cooked...
After our dinner, we waited for another 1 hour plus before departed to Kuala Terengganu. I managed to capture the sunset. The flight took an hour from Subang Airport to Sultan Mahmud Airport - Kuala Terengganu.
We took a cab to our hostel - Ping Anchorage Backpacker Lodge located at Jalan Sultan Sulaiman. We shared it with a lady whom we hardly knew (RM25 per car).
We carried our heavy scuba diving gear until the 2nd floor. Where we're almost out of breath... Wah, the room was so large. Em, where is the blanket? I needed blanket :'( At night I just used my towel as my blanket or else I'll be freeze to death......
On our way back to the hostel, we passed by the palace and a nice white mosque. The driver came to fetch us sharp at 9am. Wow, it's not Malaysian time after all.
Ping Anchorage Travellers Inn Contact:-
Tel : +609-6363030
Fax : +609-6262022/6228093
Email : patrvl@tm.net.my
Website : http://www.pinganchorage.com.my/backpacker.htm
Address : 77A, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 20000 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia.
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