Are you obese ???
Today found a box near the stair case. Wondering what's inside the box I just opened it. Surprisingly I found the body fat analyzer given by a Japanese Coordinator 3 years back.
Check out the battery, there were still 4 AAA batteries inside without any leakage. I just pressed the "電源" button to switch on this little machine. Wow, it was still functioning, huray! A bit unbelievable.
Still wondering how to operate this small machine. Just click here and there. It was pretty easy, the body fat analyzer will analyze the body fat according to your height, weight, age and gender. Then it will categorize your body fat into 4 level - slim, standard, slight obese and obese.
After inserting all my information, i tested it out by putting my hand on the side way of the small machine. Guess what??? My body fat level was --> 21%. STANDARD !!! Hehe...
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