Min's Wedding

Just came back from Team Building at Temerloh "Gunung Senyum (Smiley Mountain) Recreational Forest on Thursday. Saturday morning went to Jerantut Pahang again which is around 45 minutes from Termerloh to attend Min's Wedding.

This is the first time I was being invited to attend Malay's wedding. I was so excited how it would be like. Too bad that I missed out the akad nikah (marriage contract) ceremony because I was late. That was the most important ceremony where the bridal couple will sign the contract before a religious official and is accompanied by prayer. Without that the wedding will never be completed.

You'll found alot of bunga telur (egg flower) being prepared and distributed to the guest at Malay wedding as wedding's ceremony token. It's actually boiled egg decorated with fabric flower as a sign of fertility.

I managed to follow for the bersanding (enthronement) ceremony. The groom's procession with friends, relatives, musicians and people to meet the bride.

The main part of the ceremony was bridal couple being seated on a well decoreated dais and bless by family members, relatives, friends and guests. Somehow it's quite similar to the tea ceremony for Chinese but just in another way round where the bridal couple will serve the tea to all the elderly.

After the wedding ceremony, Min's cousin proposed to take picture near the Taman Negara Jetty. It was just around 20 mins drive from Min's house. We took another 30 mins boat ride and stop at a mini island where Min's started to take her wedding photo there.

At night, all her family members gather at the living room. They started to ask me alot of question. What's the different between Chinese wedding and Malay wedding. What's the most important part for Chinese wedding and will not be completed without that... I was puzzled with all the question and couldn't answer all of them.

The next day is another ceremony taking place at the bridgroom side located at Temerloh which is another 45 minutes drive away. Basically it's just the same ceremony as the bride on Saturday. After the lunch, it's time for me and Mas to leave Temerloh back to KL. Althought it was very tiring, but really enjoy a different wedding ceremony.


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