
Showing posts from 2010

~ Birthday Celebration ~

Every 2 years I'll get a new handphone with the 1k voucher. Initially wanted to get SE Vivaz Pro but with some bad experience I have had with SE, didn't dare to get SE anymore... I have a early celebration at Amcorp Mall Haeun Khon Resturant with LC. Accompany with me was some outages. Eating while monitoring the services. Sigh... It was really a terrible dark Friday - 13 Aug. Later LC introduced me Food Foundry located at Section 17 which is famous for it's French dessert - Mille Crepe. LC bought a 'Strawberry Mille Crepe' (RM 9) for me meanwhile I insist to get another 'Chesse Cake' (RM 9) for myself. Tonight we're going to depart to Sg. Lembing. I had wanted to visit Sg. Lembing for years but never realized. When LC invited me to join the trip organized by YM, I didn't think twice to join. So nice to celebrate my birthday there :) It was a very tiring trip but really enjoy myself there with YM's colleague and her friends. Although I'm no...

Min's Wedding

Just came back from Team Building at Temerloh " Gunung Senyum (Smiley Mountain) Recreational Forest on Thursday. Saturday morning went to Jerantut Pahang again which is around 45 minutes from Termerloh to attend Min's Wedding. This is the first time I was being invited to attend Malay's wedding. I was so excited how it would be like. Too bad that I missed out the akad nikah (marriage contract) ceremony because I was late. That was the most important ceremony where the bridal couple will sign the contract before a religious official and is accompanied by prayer. Without that the wedding will never be completed. You'll found alot of bunga telur (egg flower) being prepared and distributed to the guest at Malay wedding as wedding's ceremony token. It's actually boiled egg decorated with fabric flower as a sign of fertility. I managed to follow for the bersanding (enthronement) ceremony. The groom's procession with friends, relatives, musicians and ...

~ “对不起”~

最近工作上的压力把我压得喘不出气来。在短短的一个月里,竟然消瘦了2-3公斤。原来自以为天塌下来,当被盖的我也会有这么的一天。。。 同事的突然离职加上新来的同事的不协调,让我有点应付不来。 老板的不信任更是让我吃不消。 每晚睡前都好担心夜里会接到电话。睡到夜半时也会惊醒,真是‘心惊胆跳’。 直到上个星期,情况终于好转了。有个好心人,帮了我们一个大忙。每晚他都会给我或同事一些指导,如何找出问题的根源。他的无私,让我们受益不浅。很多时候,供应商都不会把知识全部传授给客户。 可是他的热心却换来了后患无穷。他的支援被别人拿来当把柄了,原因是他违反了公司的纪律。 虽然我们的问题总算找出了源头,可是我却不知道如何向他道谢,致歉意。 真的是‘对不起’。。。


最近看似很繁忙,可是每次回想时才发现自己肯本就不知道在忙些什么。。。 一天一天,时间就这样流失了。离开2009年就好像刚过去,可是农历新年又即将来临了。 上个月因为百般无聊, 王同 就邀了我加入他们的小说部落格 - 城市●碎片 。一向对写作没什么心得或兴趣的我,就因为三分钟热度,爽快地答应了,还当下决定了题目呢。 日复一日,到现在我的草稿都写不出来呢。王同问起我时,非常尴尬地回答正努力着,还没灵感。。。 我真的可以写出来吗???还是没有一点头绪。。。


女人嘛。。。 是非常复杂的稀有‘动物’吧。其实很多人都不会把心里真正的想法说出来。往往心里想的是一套,嘴里说出来的又是另一套。总活在矛盾之中。 男人应该很难理解为什么女人不能直接点,要男人明白就告诉他们吧。为什么还要兜兜转转,扭扭捏捏地,转弯抹角,让人摸不着头脑。 男人必须知道,女人有很多保护自己的方法。其中之一就是口不对心。有时为了不想让对方知道或表露自己柔弱的一面,就嘴硬的睁眼说瞎话。 B女明明对A君有好感,可是又不知道A君是否也喜欢自己。当A君约B女时, A君:“你看了‘Avatar’吗?我有两张免费的戏票想找人看呢。你得空吗?” B女:“对不起,我看了。不能陪你看。” A君:“没关系。” B女:“。。。”。 B女正希望A君会用尽办法及理由来约她,以证实A君真的想追求她,以免表错情。 男人别误会所有女人都是那样。也有单刀直入的女人。所以男人应该先了解你所认识的女人是属于哪一种类型。


有一段时间,放了工就躲在房里无所事事的让时间过。 最近,就在大厅里一边看电视节目,一边网游。电视节目就在眼前‘跳’,可是我一点也没看进去。在一旁的老爸,就在一旁问东问西。 印象中的老爸是个不苟言笑又严肃的老爸。从小到大,都很少会坐下来陪老爸聊天。现在反而有点不习惯老爸这样的变化。 有时就会陪老爸瞎扯一番。当他开始唠唠叨叨地没完没了,就会借机逃之夭夭。 看着老爸,老妈子日渐增多的白发,突然觉得他们都老了。也发现他们越来越喜欢找我们聊天。可能人老了,就爱唠唠叨叨,怕寂寞及被冷落吧。。。


晚餐后,就想上网找朋友闲聊。可是登录了之后,望着长长的联系名单,突然不知道应该找谁聊,要聊些什么。。。 有一段时间没上网聊天了。突然想找人聊,还不知道如何‘下手’。 很多时候,尤其是很久已经没联系的朋友,即使看到他们在线,说了一句‘你好吗?’,就不知道该如何接下去。少了话题,就很难维持对话,结果就搞到无言以对的状况。。。 我曾经花上很多时间在网上陪朋友瞎扯,谈天谈地,有时更是谈至三更半夜而忘了睡。 可是曾几何时,我已经把网上闲聊的习惯戒了?这可能是一种好现象。至少可以节省电费! 下次可能再也没人会在网上记得‘Ocean’了。。。

New Year, New Home, New Life

This is the second time I have been to i-City. First time was during Christmas Eve and today is for count down. There was fireworks display. Although the fireworks were not those special and nice one like Cyber Jaya Fireworks Competition but it was so close to you where you can felt that the sparkle going to drop upon you. Supposely today should standby at home and not sneak out for count down. 3... 2... 1... Happy New Year!!! Firework started to explore into the silence sky. Today is full moon :) Early morning, I woke up to assist my mom to move the foods from fridge to new house before the lorry came. My dad has given us notice that he's going to move the house today. He has been in the new house alone all this while. He must be too tired of having a new house without us :P We managed to finish moving those big furniture by 12:30pm. The most troublesome part for me will be 'selection' which items to throw away. I have been keeping alot of 'antique'. I think it...