
Showing posts from July, 2009

The World Is Spinning :S

Yesterday night was my cousin's wedding. I can't make it on-time to the wedding at 7pm so my parents and sisters left me behind. After rushing from Segambut back to Klang, I just took a quick bath and drove to the wedding dinner. Luckily it was just a stone throw away from my house. Once reached there, I gave a call to my sister for the exact location. Once enter the ballroom, I was just in time. The wedding just started. I was being allocated at the first row. The wedding was really grand and my uncle had invited alot of peoples for the wedding. My aunt and uncle were questioning me why I was late. I just gave them a polite smile. I was still full with the heavy lunch I have had at Tenji. The food only started to serve at 9pm. My uncle was so warm to get me wain. Usually after 1-2 glasses of wain, I'm still ok but yesterday after the 1st glass of wain, I was ok but after 1 hour, I started to feel that my head was a bit heavy and heartbeat started to pump so fast. I can rea...


距离是用来计算从一个地方,到另一个地方所经过的路线的长度。槟城离这儿有多远?美国离这儿又有多远呢?这些都可以用数字计算出来。 可是人与人之间的距离才是最难衡量的,因为那不能用数字来计算,看不到,衡量不到,也只能用心去体会。尤其是女人,就只凭感觉,凭第六感来衡量与别人的距离。 我却缺乏了这种第六感。我很难琢磨人与人之间要如何保持适当的距离。什么距离才是安全的?很多时候,不知不觉就超越了自己应保持的距离。有时超越了那种应有的距离也还不知道。一旦发现时,才恍然大悟,可是已经伤了彼此原有的情谊。。。 如果你太热情,别人会说你滥交。如果你太冷漠,别人会说你高傲。就像如果你跟老板太好,别人就在你背后说你很会拍马屁。如果你对老板视而不见,老板又会觉得你不识抬举。 今天‘老豆’为我上了一堂宝贵的课。男人是不会做所谓的‘亏本生意’。也就是说,男人是不会无缘无故对一位女人好,除非他对她有某种企图,或女人给了男方一些暗示。这也有例外,除非那男人是你认识很久很久,彼此已经很了解对方。 他让我回想一些我曾经犯的错误。原来那些都是我的错。我给了不应该给的讯息让人误会。我忘了考虑彼此应保持的距离,而造成了困惑。 原来我是必须活在别人的当下。很多事都必须顾及别人的感受,别人如何看待自己。难道我就不能洒洒脱脱的做回我自己?还是我从来都不认识我自己?也不了解自己? 做人真是一大学问。如果我可以拿捏人与人之间应保持的距离,我想我已经成功一半了。可是我想我注定是失败了例子。。。只因为我实在太懒惰去了解别人想什么,也不喜欢去猜测别人的想法。。。