Why ME???

Hp blinking... It's Dad calling... The very first time. A known issue. Asking me to go back later and transfer back my 'little hubby' - kancil 600cc back to me at JPJ. My Dad sold him off last week and transfer him to another person the very same last week...... Unfortunately that guy can't pay my Dad last week as what he promised and keep on telling story. My Dad get pissed off and make a police report that he tried to cheat my Dad.

Why is that I'm the one who have to bare the mistake done by someone? Let me start the story. When I first started my industrial training my Dad bought me a very brand new 'little hubby' for me. After my industrial training, I left my 'hubby' with my sis as asked by my mom. Since Penang is a nice and peaceful place, I don't really need a car compare to my sis who's studying in Skudai. After my studies, I left M'sia for 2 years. Without any doubt, my 'hubby' no longer belong to me.

Finally I'm back. My Dad just return my 'hubby' to me and bought a second hand Proton Wira 1.6 for my sis. And guess what. When I drove him to Penang, I found that he's pretty sick. I changed 4 of his leg (tyres and absorber), fix here and there and later found some hole at his back. My sis accidentally poured the battery acid at the car back and she never clean it up. Over the day day, month month, year year, the acid has eaten up his body. When I told my Dad my sis 'good' present, he just said, it's nothing, can be fixed. Ya, fixing hole that you can see the road :S

Then during the New Year Eve. Guess what...... When my parents woke up, they found that my sis Proton Wira 1.6 was stolen. Those police report and car tracing is making my house up side down. I have had to fetch her to work everyday. After 1 months, my Dad declared that the car will never be found back. He bought another second hand car for my sis. An identical twin to her previous one. The very same weekend, a police came to my house and said that they had found her car. What a tragic.

Recently the Wira is out from the garage. My Dad just advertised to sold off my 'hubby'. He wanted me to collect my sis old chunk. First day driving, the car was so smelly, steering wheel was so sticky, speedometer not working, radio not working, break seems like having some problem, the car was dancing when i break....... Once went back started to complain here and there. Refuse to drive it until it's totally fix. After fix once, now it's the fuel indicator not working, alignment still not done, speaker spoilt on the left hand side. So frustrated. Why the insurance company didn't insured all this stuff??? And why don't they ensure that the car was fully fixed before release it. What are they doing to the car all this months??? I and my Dad have to pay for every penny to repair this old chunk which belong to my sis!!! Unfair!!!

Besides that, my 'hubby' buyer just can't manage to pay my Dad as promised. My Dad purposely called me up to go to lawyer firm to sign up those JPJ doc and when we're going to the JPJ for the transfer, finally the buyer got his $$ to pay my Dad. Rushed back and hand over my sweet 'hubby' to him :'( Actually that guy promised to pay this afternoon yet my Dad just don't trust him and asked me to go back purposely to settle the car transfer. Sigh....... Purposely went back and leave job for 2 hours. At the end, got nothing but trouble.

Recently petrol increase like hell. I have to afford that chunk which is a petrol vampire. Everything will be 3 - 4 times what I spend on my 'little hubby' :( I'm not trying to be calculative. Why me who's alway cleaning up my sis left out dirt. Innocent me.......


no need to pay installment urself is consider very good la.
Lee said…
my sis don't have to pay for installment yet getting newer car than me :'(

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