

今天本来带着很好的心情上班,因为一早已经把手头上的问题都解决了。谁知道又来了一个麻烦。在供应商还没开工前,我已经再三吩咐他们别弄错尺寸,不然麻烦可大了。我还特地带他们巡视环境一下,以确认要拉的路线。 可是最后他们还是搞错了。无名火就冒起来了。他们就要我将就,既然已经把同轴电缆剪了就接受。之前就因为其它供应商对那儿的环境不熟而他们有经验才找他们的。那儿是非常地带,必须非常小心,要不然打一世工也赔不起,才特地选他们的。可是他们竟然还是跟其它供应商一样。把我气地直发抖。 我就打电话去投诉,告诉他不能接受他们的要求,死都不肯罢休。他们也玩威胁,如果我要改的话,那么就必须等下星期了,因为没有足够的同轴电缆了。我也下了重话,做生意那里可以不守信用!明明说好路线了,为什么临时改变也没事先征求意见。 明知道我很赶,必须这个星期把工程完成,还跟我耍赖。他们也给我惹毛了,就说去吃午餐再收拾。 午餐回来后,他们竟然把两捆新剪好的同轴电缆送来。让我有点不好意思刚才的冲动及冒犯。应该好好的说而不是冲动的下判断。 连忙赔不是。他们很专业的在3小时内把工程完成。让我非常尴尬刚才的鲁莽,最后还打了电话去道歉。一时的冲动把我的眼睛给蒙蔽了。心里的火是非常可怕的。如果不好好的守住,它将烧了别人及自己。。。 从以前到现在,越来越发觉不了解自己,火气越来越重。以前我只会在家发脾气,可是现在公司里没有人是不怕我的。越来越不能也不想控制自己吧。。。

Häagen-Dazs ~ Finest Ais-Cream

Today was really a hectic and busy days. A bit depress due to project need to finish in a week but PO still not yet out. Chase procurement for a few days but still can't get the PO being issued. :( After a long meeting with vendor and came back to my place. Surprising my colleague told me there are something in the freezer. They went for team outing today. Beg the lead to bring me along but was being rejected :'( Freezer? Mean ice-cream. Hop to the fridge, found a small Häagen-Dazs ice-cream cake in the freezer. Huray!!! Eating the expensive and claimed to be the finest ice-cream in the world, melted all my frustration and depression away. Actually life is just as simple as that. Just relax and enjoy :)

Nikon vs Canon

Wanted to buy DSLR for sometime but always give up due to the size, weight and not convenient to bring around. Recently do some research and still having some problem to decide which model to buy ~ Nikon D5100 or Canon 600D ??? Both have their pros and cons. Read through a few review, make me harder to make decision. In terms of price, Canon is a bit higher than Nikon. Canon support more lense with build in focus motor which Nikon doesn't support. Plan to get one by this weekend with my quaterly bonus. Before I bought it, I still have a few days time to think over it. Most probably will get Nikon D5100... or end up buying those compact digital camera....


最近经常在睡眠中惊醒。醒后总是冒着汗,身旁就躺着工作到一半的电脑还开着。影像中也没发什么恶梦。 密密糊糊中,就起身关掉灯及顺手把电脑盖上,想再继续睡,可脑海里总是不停的转。也不知想些什么就是难以入眠。 每天莫名其妙地一早起身,开始昨天未完成的工作。。。又开始读邮件,回邮件,直到上班时间又匆匆忙忙的去上班。 自从换了新的部门之后,都持续着这样的生活。每天都匆匆忙忙上班,迷迷糊糊中睡着,朦朦胧胧中醒来。总是有做不完的工作,赶不完的会议,追不完的业务。越来越像‘大耳窿’,到处‘讨债’。记忆力也开始衰退了。。。 最近看了台湾偶像剧-‘我不可能爱上你’。 里面提到了所谓的‘初老症状’。 如果你有以下症状,可能你也跟我一样,正面对着‘初老症状’,而你不知道: 01) 枕头旁边,电脑键盘旁边,出现一堆万金油、白花油、绿油精等提神药方 02) 只要坐下来,小腹就有一滩肉 03) 莫名其妙就会一大早醒过来 04) 躺在沙发看八点檔连续剧30份钟就会开始熟睡 05) 对于没有结论的冗长会议充满厌恶 06) 觉得自己快要被一堆密码淹没了! 07) 对于年轻朋友不让座这件事情会非常介意 08) 对于磁场不对的人,可以毫无牵挂的跟她说再见、再见、再见…… 09) KTV热门点播排行榜的歌曲完全不会唱 10) 以前可以唱KTV到天亮,现在只要熬夜一天,就会累一个礼拜 11) 急于想加入facebook之类的网路活动,以免被年轻遗弃 12) 如果不喃喃自语,脑子就会打结。 13) 越近的事情越容易忘记,越久以前的事情反而越是记得 14) 觉得五份埔与路边摊的T恤都是给纸片人穿的 15) 以前烦恼青春痘,现在烦恼小细纹 16) 除非参加清早晨运的甩手功或庙会朝山活动,否则很难找到比自己年龄大的聚会 17) 对于陌生网友的我们可以交朋友吗?说法,觉得无比愚蠢而没有耐心 18) 认识新朋友的速度与机率逐渐钝化 19) 越来越觉得专家说法都是唬烂 20) 如果一天没有吃绿色蔬菜就会觉得身体怪怪的 21) 逐渐没有耐心替烂朋友收烂摊了 22) 越来越不喜欢改变已经习惯的习惯 23) 很讨厌在外面过夜,因为要带好多东西 24) 不知不觉,随身携带温水壶和牙线棒 25) 懒的交新朋友的原因,是因为懒的从头交代自己的人生 26) 终于认清老天爷真的很忙! 27) 每次看到某某歌手某某影星过世的消息,就要感叹一次...

~ Birthday Celebration ~

Every 2 years I'll get a new handphone with the 1k voucher. Initially wanted to get SE Vivaz Pro but with some bad experience I have had with SE, didn't dare to get SE anymore... I have a early celebration at Amcorp Mall Haeun Khon Resturant with LC. Accompany with me was some outages. Eating while monitoring the services. Sigh... It was really a terrible dark Friday - 13 Aug. Later LC introduced me Food Foundry located at Section 17 which is famous for it's French dessert - Mille Crepe. LC bought a 'Strawberry Mille Crepe' (RM 9) for me meanwhile I insist to get another 'Chesse Cake' (RM 9) for myself. Tonight we're going to depart to Sg. Lembing. I had wanted to visit Sg. Lembing for years but never realized. When LC invited me to join the trip organized by YM, I didn't think twice to join. So nice to celebrate my birthday there :) It was a very tiring trip but really enjoy myself there with YM's colleague and her friends. Although I'm no...

Min's Wedding

Just came back from Team Building at Temerloh " Gunung Senyum (Smiley Mountain) Recreational Forest on Thursday. Saturday morning went to Jerantut Pahang again which is around 45 minutes from Termerloh to attend Min's Wedding. This is the first time I was being invited to attend Malay's wedding. I was so excited how it would be like. Too bad that I missed out the akad nikah (marriage contract) ceremony because I was late. That was the most important ceremony where the bridal couple will sign the contract before a religious official and is accompanied by prayer. Without that the wedding will never be completed. You'll found alot of bunga telur (egg flower) being prepared and distributed to the guest at Malay wedding as wedding's ceremony token. It's actually boiled egg decorated with fabric flower as a sign of fertility. I managed to follow for the bersanding (enthronement) ceremony. The groom's procession with friends, relatives, musicians and ...

~ “对不起”~

最近工作上的压力把我压得喘不出气来。在短短的一个月里,竟然消瘦了2-3公斤。原来自以为天塌下来,当被盖的我也会有这么的一天。。。 同事的突然离职加上新来的同事的不协调,让我有点应付不来。 老板的不信任更是让我吃不消。 每晚睡前都好担心夜里会接到电话。睡到夜半时也会惊醒,真是‘心惊胆跳’。 直到上个星期,情况终于好转了。有个好心人,帮了我们一个大忙。每晚他都会给我或同事一些指导,如何找出问题的根源。他的无私,让我们受益不浅。很多时候,供应商都不会把知识全部传授给客户。 可是他的热心却换来了后患无穷。他的支援被别人拿来当把柄了,原因是他违反了公司的纪律。 虽然我们的问题总算找出了源头,可是我却不知道如何向他道谢,致歉意。 真的是‘对不起’。。。