
Showing posts from June, 2009

Covered by Black Cloud...

Recently I were covered by all the bad luck. Not sure why all those bad things kept on happening to me... Since last month 13 June, I started to be covered by 'black cloud'. Server crash, outage again. It took me around 1 weeks to solve the problem and another 3 days 2 nights to fully restored the server and service. After that, I was hoping for a peaceful life but it doesn't end like that. 2nd July midnight, suddenly received called that the system was having problem again... I pop up from my bed to check the servers. Everything was alright. Then later found that both the DB encountered some problem. No vendor support. 12 midnight some more... What to do? So I just did something and then everything seems ok initially. Who knows after half an hour, found that both of the DB was down and cannot be re-booted. Do some troubleshooting but still cannot solved the problem. Can't help so just escalate to my manager then called vendor up for help. Vendor can't do anything a...


想与不想的差别是当你很想要做或得到某种东西时,你会不惜一切的想尽办法达到目的。不想做或不想要的东西,即使垂首可得也可能在所不惜。 这次澳洲旅行的飞机票,去年已经买了。可是一点想去的欲望也没有,所以准备也没做。最后一个星期才开始上网找了住宿。很早就想放弃,理由是不想与我妹妹一起去。一直以来,跟她的感情最不好。虽然同房,可是我们可以不说一句话。一开口就是语带讽刺,你一句,我一句,谁也不让谁。 人很多时候,很奇怪。对一个人有偏见时,不管他做什么,你就是看不顺眼。我对我妹妹就是这种感觉。。。 当天因为发生了一些状况,我整天都在忙着工作。其实这两个月,我都非常忙。很多不如意的情况发生了,搞得我天翻地覆。根本没把去澳洲的事放在心上。连上机的时间也没检查或留意。 当天也因为工作搞到8时才出发去机场。我的好妹妹竟然把我们9时25分的班机当成10时25分。抵达时,竟然已经8时55分了。亚行根本就不让我们登机。我反而松了一口气,也没有失落的感觉。一回家,又开始工作,我想我一定是工作狂了。。。 她就不停的问我,要不要星期日再搭飞机去?我可真的被她烦死了,拒绝了她的要求。我宁可牺牲那些机票也不想陪她去。 当我终于把我手头上的麻烦解决后,又开始过意不去。结果还是在买了机票,陪她一起去。可是一抵达,我们又开始闹意见了。把气氛搞到很差,也没心情去玩,去享受哪儿的环境。 原来不想做一件事而去做是那么的不愉快,也会把身边的气氛与环境变差。其实如果想去旅行,最好找一些与你志同道合的人。不然你就会像我那么后悔莫及了。